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A fluid, light, deconstructed sofa that allows for different forms of interaction.

Its shape with a slight diagonal cut is perfect for sitting face to face, lying down and sitting in different positions. Comfortably holds up to 6 people.

Materials: carbon steel frame with brass details, fabrics with cotton and polyester combinations. The carbon steel structure is light and divided into 2 parts, joined by a simple snap, for easy handling and transport.

Dimensions: 300 cm (total width) x 80 cm (height) x 150 cm

** possible in different color and dimension patterns, including outdoor version.

The upholstery fabrics are of different textures and the locations of each one were chosen in order to guarantee resistance to areas of friction and soft touch to areas of rest and comfort.

Des__ Sofa

  • Estrutura em aço carbono com detalhes em latão, tecidos com combinações de algodão e poliéster.

    * a estrutura em aço carbono é leve e dividida em 2 partes, unidas por simples encaixe, para facilitar o manuseio e transporte.

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